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Home Design System Elements Texttip



ds-texttip is for displaying simple, plain text only tooltips, and uses the content inside the html data-attribute data-ds-texttip for the content. By default there is no requirement to add any classes.

For tooltips that use rich formatted content, see ds-richtip


Basic usage 

Basic usage - text (hover over example to view)
<div class="ds-text" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Text content</div>
Text content
<div class="ds-text" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Text content</div>
Basic usage - inline text (hover over example to view)
<div class="ds-text">Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you <span data-ds-texttip="Text content">need to manage</span> and secure your IoT network and devices.</div>
Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you need to manage and secure your IoT network and devices.
<div class="ds-text">Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you <span data-ds-texttip="Text content">need to manage</span> and secure your IoT network and devices.</div>
Basic usage - icon (hover over example to view)
<i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid" data-ds-texttip="Text content"></i>
<i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid" data-ds-texttip="Text content"></i>
Basic usage - button (hover over example to view)
<button class="ds-button --primary" data-ds-texttip="Text content">
  <span>Button label</span>
<button class="ds-button --primary" data-ds-texttip="Text content">
  <span>Button label</span>


By adding the appropriate class, the position of the texttip can be changed.

Position: bottom-right (hover over example to view)
<i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid --bottom-right" data-ds-texttip="Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec sed odio dui. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo."></i>
<i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid --bottom-right" data-ds-texttip="Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec sed odio dui. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo."></i>
The following positions are available - (hover over labels to view examples)
default (top)

Visual states 

Visual states (hover over examples to view)
<div class="ds-text --alert" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Alert example</div>
<div class="ds-text --warning" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Warning example</div>
<div class="ds-text --success" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Success example</div>
<div class="ds-text --info" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Info example</div>
Alert example
Warning example
Success example
Info example
<div class="ds-text --alert" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Alert example</div>
<div class="ds-text --warning" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Warning example</div>
<div class="ds-text --success" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Success example</div>
<div class="ds-text --info" data-ds-texttip="Text content">Info example</div>

Component colors 

Text example (hover over example to view)
<div class="ds-text">Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you <span class="--color-magenta" data-ds-texttip="Text content">need to manage</span> and secure your IoT network and devices.</div>
Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you need to manage and secure your IoT network and devices.
<div class="ds-text">Global multicarrier cellular connectivity built for IoT & M2M. Pay as you go with no commitments and all the tools you <span class="--color-magenta" data-ds-texttip="Text content">need to manage</span> and secure your IoT network and devices.</div>
Button example (hover over example to view)
<button class="ds-button --primary --color-blue-lighter" data-ds-texttip="Text content">
  <span>Button label</span>
<button class="ds-button --primary --color-blue-lighter" data-ds-texttip="Text content">
  <span>Button label</span>


Icon text tip inside label 

Basic usage - icon (hover over example to view)
<div class="ds-text --label"> Label text <i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid --small" data-ds-texttip="Text content"></i></div>
Label text
<div class="ds-text --label"> Label text <i class="ds-icon --icon-online-solid --small" data-ds-texttip="Text content"></i></div>