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Design System
Home Design System Containers Group


A visual container grouping a set of elements. Can be used with fieldset/legend.


Basic usage 

Basic usage with html <div> element
<div class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group">
Basic usage with html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group">


By default the header is set to ds-heading --small-bold

Title with html <header> element
<div class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group">
Title with html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group">


You can change the header size by using ds-heading classes:

Large title
<div class="ds-group">
  <header class="ds-heading --large-bold">Title</header>
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group">
  <header class="ds-heading --large-bold">Title</header>
Xsmall title
<div class="ds-group">
  <header class="ds-heading --xsmall-bold">Title</header>
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group">
  <header class="ds-heading --xsmall-bold">Title</header>

Visual states 

Group adheres to the 4x preset visual states - alert, warning, success and info.

<div class="ds-group --alert">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --alert">
<div class="ds-group --info">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --info">

Component color 

Color support with html <div> element
<div class="ds-group --color-celeste-bright">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --color-celeste-bright">
Color support with html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group --color-magenta">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group --color-magenta">

Notification indicator 

A group can display a notification indicator (dot) by adding the class ds-group--notification.

Notification indicators support with html <div> element
<div class="ds-group --notification">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --notification">

Notification indicators adhere to 4x preset visual states - alert, warning, success and info.

Notification indicators visual states with html <div> element
<div class="ds-group --notification-success">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --notification-success">

Additionally, if the group has an attribute data-notification-counter set to a non-empty value, that value will be shown in the indicator. If the attribute is set to empty data-notification-counter="" the indicator dot will be hidden.

Notification indicators counter support with html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group --notification" data-notification-counter="3">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group --notification" data-notification-counter="3">

Flow down 

Flow down style with html <div> element
<div class="ds-group --flow-down">
<div class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --flow-down">
<div class="ds-group">
Flow down style with html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group --flow-down">
<fieldset class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group --flow-down">
<fieldset class="ds-group">
Flow down with component color example
<div class="ds-group --flow-down --color-celeste-bright">
<div class="ds-group">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --flow-down --color-celeste-bright">
<div class="ds-group">

Loading state 

A group can be triggered to display a loading state - where the group contents are hidden, and the replaced by a centered spinning loading icon – without affecting the dimensions of the group.

Additional options are available using Message state

<div class="ds-group --loading">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --loading">
Alternative loading-refresh icon
<div class="ds-group --loading-refresh">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --loading-refresh">
Custom icon by adding any icon class
<div class="ds-group --loading --icon-radar">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --loading --icon-radar">

Message state 

Message state extends and can be used with Loading state. If a group has a data-attribute data-ds-message the group contents are hidden, and replaced by an icon and the text of the data-ds-message.

<div class="ds-group" data-ds-message="Message text">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group" data-ds-message="Message text">
Loading state with a message
<div class="ds-group --loading" data-ds-message="Message text">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --loading" data-ds-message="Message text">
You can set a custom icon
<div class="ds-group --icon-rocket" data-ds-message="Message text">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --icon-rocket" data-ds-message="Message text">
You can set a custom icon, with the loading state animation
<div class="ds-group --loading --icon-compass" data-ds-message="Message text">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --loading --icon-compass" data-ds-message="Message text">


Usage with ds-notice 

If a ds-notice is the last element inside a group, it will be automatically outdented and presented as a footer.

Using a notice inside a ds-group html <div> element
<div class="ds-group --small">
  <div class="ds-notice --info">Notice text</div>
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --small">
  <div class="ds-notice --info">Notice text</div>
Using a notice inside a ds-group html <fieldset> element
<fieldset class="ds-group">
  <div class="ds-notice --warning">Notice text</div>
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<fieldset class="ds-group">
  <div class="ds-notice --warning">Notice text</div>

Usage with ds-banner and ds-details 

<div class="ds-group --no-indent">
  <header class="ds-banner --plain --indent-small">
      <p class="ds-text --label">AWS IoT</p>
    <button class="ds-button --plain --icon-edit --hide-label">
    <button class="ds-button --plain --icon-cancel --hide-label">
  <table class="ds-details --plain">
          <div>IoT Policy A</div>
        <td colspan="3">
XS Mobile 320px Mobile 420px Tablet 680px Desktop 960px
<div class="ds-group --no-indent">
  <header class="ds-banner --plain --indent-small">
      <p class="ds-text --label">AWS IoT</p>
    <button class="ds-button --plain --icon-edit --hide-label">
    <button class="ds-button --plain --icon-cancel --hide-label">
  <table class="ds-details --plain">
          <div>IoT Policy A</div>
        <td colspan="3">