The field
component is a container for an input (checkbox, text field, select etc) and optionally a label and text.
Basic usage
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="sample-2" class="ds-text --label">Label content</label>
<div class="ds-input">
<input id="sample-2" type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<div class="ds-input">
<input type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
Required fields
See Required fields
Notification indicator
A field can display a notification indicator (dot) by adding the class ds-field --notification
You can also apply the notification indicator directly to the Label.
<div class="ds-field --notification">
<label for="sample-5" class="ds-text --label">Label content</label>
<div class="ds-input">
<input id="sample-5" type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
Notification indicators adhere to 4x preset visual states - alert, warning, success and info.
<div class="ds-field --notification-success">
<label for="sample-6" class="ds-text --label">Label content</label>
<div class="ds-input">
<input id="sample-6" type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
Additionally, if the field has an attribute data-notification-counter
set to a non-empty value, that value will be shown in the indicator. If the attribute is set to empty data-notification-counter=""
the indicator dot will be hidden.
<div class="ds-field --notification" data-notification-counter="3">
<label for="sample-7" class="ds-text --label">Label content</label>
<div class="ds-input">
<input id="sample-7" type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
Multiple inline (joined) controls
<div class="ds-controls">
<div class="ds-bar">
<i class="ds-icon --xsmall --icon-filter"></i>
<div class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-select --small --12-w">
<option value="vpgId">VPG ID</option>
<option value="ipAddress">IP Address</option>
<option value="key">Key</option>
<option value="status">Status</option>
<div class="ds-input --small --18-w">
<input type="text" placeholder="Filter"/>
<div class="ds-select --small --10-w">
<option value="success">Success</option>
<option value="error">Error</option>
<option value="pending">Pending</option>
<button class="ds-button --small --addon">
File upload with intro text
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --huge --color-ink-tint">
<i class="ds-icon --icon-cloud-upload --xlarge --color-ink"></i>
Drop files here
<div class="ds-text --large">or</div>
<div class="ds-input">
<input type="file"/>
File upload, banner and intro text
<div class="ds-group">
<div class="ds-tag --pinned --info"><span>CSV</span></div>
<header class="ds-banner --color-ink-lighter">
<div class="ds-rows --gap-xsmall">
<div class="ds-text">Upload a CSV file using the following format:</div>
<div class="ds-input --code" style="--ds-input-background-color: var(--color-ink-darkest);--ds-input-text-color: var(--color-light-dark); --ds-input-border-radius: 5px;">
<input type="text" name="test" value="vpg_id,ip_address,key" readonly/>
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --huge --color-ink-tint">
<i class="ds-icon --icon-cloud-upload --xlarge --color-ink"></i>
Drop files here
<div class="ds-text --large">or</div>
<div class="ds-input">
<input type="file"/>
Label, text input with icon and text
Field container with Label and Text input with icon, and Text.
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-1" class="ds-text --label">Field test</label>
<div class="ds-input --icon-time">
<input type="text" id="example-1" placeholder="Placeholder text">
<div class="ds-text">Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec sed odio dui. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.</div>
Label, text input with icon and text addon
Field container with Label and Text input with icon, and Text (addon style).
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-2" class="ds-text --label">Field test</label>
<div class="ds-input --icon-time">
<input type="text" id="example-2" placeholder="Placeholder text">
<div class="ds-text --addon">MiB</div>
Label, select input with icon and text tip
Field container with Label and Select with icon, and Text (tip style).
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-3" class="ds-text --label">Field test</label>
<div class="ds-select --icon-time">
<select id="sample-3">
<option>Option text</option>
<div class="ds-text --tip --small">Longer text description that will wrap</div>
Multiple inputs, icon and text addons
Field container with Label and a small and medium size Text input with icon, and Text (addon style).
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-4" class="ds-text --label">Field test</label>
<div class="ds-input --icon-time">
<input type="text" id="example-4" placeholder="123">
<div class="ds-text --addon">MiB</div>
<i class="ds-icon --icon-arrow-right"></i>
<div class="ds-input --icon-user">
<input type="text" id="example-5" placeholder="ABC">
<div class="ds-text --addon">MiB</div>
Multiple fields inside a ds-cols
Inside ds-cols
, you can add ds-span --X
(1-12) to the ds-field
element to adjust the size of the columns.
If a ds-field
does not contain a ds-text --label
element - extra spacing at the top of the ds-field
can be enabled by using ds-field--top-spacer
<div class="ds-cols --small">
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-6" class="ds-text --label ">Field test</label>
<div class="ds-input --icon-time">
<input type="text" id="example-6" placeholder="123">
<div class="ds-text --addon">MiB</div>
<i class="ds-icon --icon-arrow-right --bottom"></i>
<div class="ds-field --bottom">
<div class="ds-input --icon-user">
<input type="text" id="example-7" placeholder="ABC">
<div class="ds-text --addon">MiB</div>
Show/Hide password
The following structure is suitable for implementing a show/hide password control.
The example toggles the ds-input attribute from type="text"
to type="password"
and the ds-button class ds-button --icon-visible
to ds-button --icon-hidden
SDS only includes the styling - it is assumed the logic for switching will be implemented within the project locally.
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-8" class="ds-text --label">Secret Value</label>
<div class="ds-input">
<input type="text" id="example-8" value="ABC123 XYZ890">
<button id="test-button" class="ds-button --addon-light --hide-label --icon-visible" data-ds-password-toggle="example-8">
<span>Toggle password</span>
Datetime –split
<div class="ds-field">
<label for="example-7a" class="ds-text --label">Label</label>
<div class="ds-text --addon">Text content</div>
<div class="ds-input --datetime-split">
<input id="example-7a" type="date" name="test" /><input type="time" name="test" />
<div class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<details class="ds-menubutton --inline" open>
<span class="ds-button --primary --icon-settings">
<span>Button label</span>
<div class="__content">
<a href="#">Change email</a>
<a href="#">Contact information</a>
<a href="#">Billing</a>
<a href="#">Payment settings</a>
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
<!-- Default -->
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<div class="ds-input">
<input type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
<!-- Wide -->
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<div class="ds-input --wide">
<input type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
<!-- Mid -->
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<div class="ds-input --mid">
<input type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>
<!-- Narrow -->
<label class="ds-field">
<div class="ds-text --label">Label content</div>
<div class="ds-input --narrow">
<input type="text" />
<div class="ds-text">Text content</div>